Exeter PCA on the Mayor’s Court Rolls, 1266-1322

These entries were originally published in M. Kowaleski, ed., Local Customs Accounts of the Port of Exeter 1266-1321, Devon and Cornwall Record Society, n.s., 36 (Exeter, 1993), pp. 47-69. They are reproduced here with corrections, fewer footnotes, a unique number for each ship entry, and three ship entries for 1321/22 not published in the original edition. For context and editorial princples, see the “Introduction” to the original edition and the Introduction to the MEMP translations of the Exeter local port customs accounts.

Cite this page as: M. Kowaleski, “Exeter Local Port Customs Enrolled on the Mayor’s Court Rolls, 1266-1322,” Medieval England Maritime Project (Bronx, NY: Fordham University, 2024), at https://memp.ace.fordham.edu/exeter-pca-on-the-mayors-court-rolls-1266-1322/ [add the Ship Entry number, in bold at the beginning of each entry, to cite specific entries].

MCR = Exeter Mayor’s Court Rolls in the Devon Heritage Centre in Exeter, class ECA/2/1/1. Except for Roll 1, they each cover a fiscal year from Michaelmas (29 September) to Michaelmas in the following year.