
The Medieval England Maritime Project is directed by Maryanne Kowaleski who is responsible for the site design and all text unless noted otherwise.

Thanks to the following for technical support:

Elizabeth Duchovni, Ph.D. (MA student, Medieval Studies, Fordham University), for her work transferring the initial maritime history bibliography to a spreadsheet so that it could be uploaded to OmekaS.

Katherina FostanoMLIS (Visual and Digital Resources Coordinator for the Art History and Music Department and for the Center of  Medieval Studies at Fordham) for securing the WordPress site and help with OmekaS.

Heather V. Hill, M.A. (Instructional Technologist, Fordham IT) for troubleshooting help with loading analytics and when IT problems have cropped up.

Morgan Kay, for timely help with WordPress and design elements.

Thanks to the following for contributions to content:

Margaret Condon (The Cabot Project, University of Bristol) for advice on the English customs.

Sally Finn-Kelcey (History, Trinity College Dublin) for references to the customs of Bridgwater.

Jiazhu Hu (Ph.D., University of St Andrews) for her transcripts of two TNA petitions regarding the Cinque Ports and Yarmouth.

Stuart Jenks (University of Erlangen) for advice on the English customs and duties.